Company name availability checker & Alphabetical company search

Are either of these searches (both available on the beta search front page) exposed and accessable through the API? I can’t find any reference to them in the documentation or in the forum. The latter, Alphabetical search, in particular appears to be new and is something that would be very helpful.

On a related note would it be possible to get some kind of ongoing update/change log for the API? At present, unless there is a forum post (which isn’t always the case) or the documentation is updated (which is rarely the case) and you happen to notice it, there’s no where we can go to check what’s changed. This has cause us, and I think others, problems in the past and it just seems odd (and more than a little frustrating!) that there isn’t any centralised place to keep track of any ongoing changes to this product.

It would be an immense help to anyone developing or maintaining systems that use the API. It’s something I’ve enquired about a couple of times and never really got any kind of definitive answer.

The Company name availability checker & Alphabetical company search are planed to be made accessible through the API, but at present there are no timescales or dates.
I will get some clarification on the ‘update/change log’ facility you asked about.