Filings history category filter

We’re trying to filter a company’s filings by category using

However, this API call returns filings which are in category annual-return as well.

Lastly, the docs here are incomplete in terms of the full list of categories - is there another place where we can get that?

Confirmation Statements replaced Annual Returns a few years ago (2016?). If people are searching historically for one, they will usually want the other, so it looks like they’ve mapped one onto the other for this purpose.

If you strictly only want confirmation statements, you could just ignore anything before the date they were introduced (which you’ll need to double check but think it’s early 2016). Alternatively search by form type instead (CS01).

The documentation is definitely out of date though, but apart from Confrimation-Statement, which was introduced as a category later I don’t know anything missing. There are a bunch of enumerations here: but I couldn’t find one for this (it was just a quick look though).

Thanks, that’s good to know! I would’ve expected the data to be migrated in that case, but I assume that’s way too complex.

Yes, the docs are missing insolvency and at least 5 others I’ve found and yes, they’re not listed as enums anywhere.

Thanks for your reply!