How many streaming api keys do you need for simultaneous connection to all six streaming end points?


I’m trying to determine if, for the streaming API, I need just one key per end point from the list below or can I use the same key to keep a live connection with all six at the same time and keep our db updated?

  • Company information
  • Filing history
  • Insolvency cases
  • Charges
  • Officers
  • Persons with significant control

The documentation makes me think that I do need six.

Connection limits (from Streaming API:)

A maximum of two concurrent connections per-account can be made to the streaming API. Each additional connection attempt above this limit will cause the oldest open connection to close.



How far did you get with this? I’m running one connection and rotating through the six streams when the active one goes quiet(ish), but spending time playing catch-up suggests that’s not the best way. Running a maximum of two connections has also been queried here:

I’m reluctant to change the single connection method as it seems to be working for now and using two would still mean catch-up.

I have managed to connect to all 6 streams at the same time by using 3 different keys, each connecting to 2 streams. My code is open source so you can have a look on GitHub if you’re interested to see how its implemented in NodeJS javascript.

Hi Brian,
Thanks for reply. Interesting project. Mine’s not so much dependent on realtime numbers, just reliability of building up and staying on top of the data. If there’s a lag it’s ok as it’s for network analysis, shared control / overlaps etc. I’ll probably open source it eventually but it’s a bit off that yet.