Missing Document Meta-Data Link

When retrieving filehistory I have noticed that some of the images that are returned don’t contain a document_metadata link. Why is this? I have provided some examples below:

company_number: 09595608 transaction_id: MzEyNDY3MTUwMmFkaXF6a2N4
company_number: 09596987 transaction_id: QTQ4RTBLQTNhZGlxemtjeA
company_number: 09597086 transaction_id: MzEyNjA1OTgyMGFkaXF6a2N4

This is a known issue, whereby there are missing images, and we are working towards a fix.

Is there a page where I can view known issues? To keep track of this and be aware of others.

Stuart, here is an example https://s3-eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-prod/docs/q4DcvTFpqjyWKZHRUzB6zr7O3Pg4LeIYom_A-TBMBxU/application-pdf?

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