Search Company API

Hi Team,

We are doing some analysis around this API to use it in our application, we have following queries

  1. Search Company : GET
    this API returns companies matching sub string of searched text, can we search only for exact text match ?
  2. Is customer number Companies House specific registered number ?

Hi Team

Please provide your input on this

The search returns best match, you can do your own exact matching of course.
you ask “Is customer number Companies House specific registered number ?”
I am not sure what you mean by customer number.
Each company has a unique company number if that is what you are asking.

Thanks for the information.
Sorry for confusion, I mean is Company Number specific to Companies House ?

The company number is allocated on incorporation and is unique to that company for the life of that company.
All communication with CompaniesHouse will use this number.
This company number is used outside of CompaniesHouse.