TimeoutError: [WinError 10060]

I am getting “TimeoutError: [WinError 10060] A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection”
Let me know any other info from me


Yep, same here too, same error.

I’m not the person to help - Google suggests this is a Python error and I don’t use Python. Google also suggests that it’s often connected with access through a proxy server - not a situation I’m in.

“any other info from me” - well, you might post if you were going through a proxy server, and if so if you’d tried some network testing e.g. connecting to different sites, using specific ports, and different protocols e.g. http, https, telnet etc. You might also give an example of the code to show any functions / libraries you’re using too.

Again, it’s not my field but would something like the following give you some direction?

After all that, if you think it’s an issue to do with the Companies House API / servers, they’d probably want to see some examples of which of their endpoints / uris you’re using and which parameters you’re passing, and (if you think it’s a network issue) the URIs / IP addresses at your end.

Good luck.

I tried with JavaScript Ajax client and getting ‘Access-Control-Allow-Headers’.
Going through forum post Allow localhost JavaScript domain? solves the issue, things are working for me. :relaxed: