Unable to create an application

I’m also having this issue. Tried Test, Live, websites filled in. No luck

Sorry for the delay. There does seem to be an issue. Getting it looked at now.

That has now been fixed.
Sorry for any inconvenience.

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Many thanks, this now works; however, when I now create a request in Postman to create a test company in the Sandbox, I receive a 415 Unsupported Media Type.

SOLVED: Had included the jurisdiction. Remove now and it works

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I have been using this after the fix; however, I have created an API Key and Web Clients, but all of my applications have disappeared again. Can you have a look and see if there is an issue again?


Still Having The Same ISSUE!

I have just created a test application and it shows in my list of applications.
I cannot find an issue.

I faced the same issue.
Several times I tried to create an application, both test and live, each time I received confirmation that the application was created, but the list of applications is empty. This is very frustrating and I don’t understand how to continue.
Please, help!

Hi, I am having the same issue. Not able to create a test application? Kindly can you suggest on it.


I am having the same issue. Was able to create an application and generate an API this morning, but it has now disappeared. This afternoon I am unable to create a new application.

Guidance v welcome

Aha - solved it - cleared cached cookies and they reappeared…