Unable to get Register Application


I am trying to secure the API key by registering application in the page https://developer.companieshouse.gov.uk/developer/applications. Clicking on “Register” button brings me back to the same page. This also does not show any error. Have anyone registered their application and got authorization key recently. Please advise

Thanks in Advance

It seems to be this issue: JQuery missing in developer.companieshouse.gov.uk

Yes, it is.
The fix has passed testing in preproduction and is scheduled to go live tomorrow. 12 noon is the current plan.

looks to have been applied, but not quite all fixed. For e.g.

doesn’t return any results, even for exact matches.

I am now able to create application and API key.

Thank you

There is nothing wrong with search. I just ran one through the developer site no problems.
We have had over 150,000 searches in the last 2 hours without issue.

might have just been a hiccup with the API key taking a little time to propagate, I did try searching basically instantly after the provisioning problem was solved.