Appointments link not found

After looking for the following appointment_links I get a 404 error which is not listed between the errors here:

Also, the same links, a week ago, did return an object.

Any idea why?



Not so useful to you but just using either the API or CH Beta, I can see these (19/05/2019). Spelling error in the endpoint? While checking this I mis-pasted one of the urls and got a 404. The documentation doesn’t list it but I believe this is a common response from the API if it can’t find something - e.g. request looks valid but it just doesn’t find the requested data.

Tests - all working for me:

/officers/rRO743fSVuXh-2uf5H-cfb82yb0/appointments - ASTROCOM AG
/officers/Sxj5z4p9TL3JH-8g5yyxLwPMR4Y/appointments - EXPONET GMBH


curl -uOUR_API_KEY ""

{“items”:[{“appointed_to”:{“company_status”:“dissolved”,“company_number”:“OC372326”,“company_name”:“KG COMMERCE LLP”},“identification”:{“registration_number”:“096479”,“identification_type”:“non-eea”,“legal_authority”:“INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994”,“legal_form”:“INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANY”,“place_registered”:“SEYCHELLES”},“officer_role”:“corporate-llp-designated-member”,“appointed_on”:“2012-02-10”,“name”:“ASTROCOM AG”,“links”:{“company”:"/company/OC372326"},“address”:{“address_line_2”:“Zippora Street Providence Industrial Estate”,“locality”:“Mahe”,“country”:“Seychelles”,“address_line_1”:“Floor Dekk House”,“premises”:“1st”}}],“items_per_page”:35,“start_index”:0,“links”:{“self”:"/officers/rRO743fSVuXh-2uf5H-cfb82yb0/appointments"},“is_corporate_officer”:true,“name”:“ASTROCOM AG”,“kind”:“personal-appointment”,“etag”:“8312480c69ce4cf6207217405e2690d54101f4ad”,“total_results”:1}

curl -uOUR_API_KEY ""

{“items”:[{“appointed_to”:{“company_number”:“OC372326”,“company_name”:“KG COMMERCE LLP”,“company_status”:“dissolved”},“officer_role”:“corporate-llp-designated-member”,“address”:{“address_line_1”:“Floor Dekk House”,“locality”:“Mahe”,“address_line_2”:“Zippora Street Providence Industrial Estate”,“country”:“Seychelles”,“premises”:“1st”},“identification”:{“registration_number”:“096480”,“identification_type”:“non-eea”,“place_registered”:“SEYCHELLES”,“legal_authority”:“INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANIES ACT, 1994”,“legal_form”:“INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COMPANY”},“links”:{“company”:"/company/OC372326"},“appointed_on”:“2012-02-10”,“name”:“EXPONET GMBH”}],“items_per_page”:35,“links”:{“self”:"/officers/Sxj5z4p9TL3JH-8g5yyxLwPMR4Y/appointments"},“kind”:“personal-appointment”,“total_results”:1,“is_corporate_officer”:true,“etag”:“86e9860b11b438035de412fa79f9ec201881ca14”,“name”:“EXPONET GMBH”,“start_index”:0}

If you tried logging in and using the “Explore this API” form at the bottom of the documentation page, no, this doesn’t seem to work. I’m not sure any of these have worked since CH put the IP limits in place.

The output from that is:

GET /officers/rRO743fSVuXh-2uf5H-cfb82yb0/appointments?items_per_page=10&start_index=0 HTTP/1.1

Response status

0 error

Response body

Failure while contacting API. Some possible causes are connection problems or cross-origin resource sharing protection. Please check javascript domains registered against APIKey / OAuth2 registration.

Uhm…yes it’s very weird cuz i am testing some of the “not found” officer_id using

and i do find them…

It must be a connection error -

Thanks again!

For posterity, lol.

The error i was making here was simply that I thought that the pagination index (start_index in the url) was starting at 1. So when you have an object with 1 only results, start_index=1 would of course return a 404. As index of the first and only page is 0.

Thanks for noting that - helpful for others.