@MArkWilliams also interested in getting a copy of the officer data and instructions on how to keep it up to date. Thanks
@MArkWilliams Would also like a copy of the full officer data set please.
@MArkWilliams hey Mark still haven’t received a reply about getting bulk officer data
It doesn’t make sense to request any data here. No one replies
Hi @MArkWilliams , please could you provide me with access to bulk director and officer data.
Thank you
Customer care team contact everyone who requests bulk data info.
If you have not been contacted already, you will be within a few days.
Hi @MArkWilliams,
Can I also get access to the bulk download of officer/director data?
Thank you
Hi Mark,
Would like to receive directors/officers bulk file, please.
Hi @MArkWilliams ,
I would like to get the officers and directors bulk data, please. Thank you!
Hi Mark
Can I please receive this file too?
Hello @MArkWilliams , I would be interested in getting access to the officers build download, how do we go about it please?
Hi @MArkWilliams,
Could I also get a bulk download of the officer / director data please?
Many thanks
Dear @MArkWilliams,
Please could I also get a bulk download of the officer / director data?
Many thanks
Dear @MArkWilliams MArkWilliams,
Please may I also get a bulk download of the officer / director data?
Many thanks
Someone from customer care will be contacting you in the next 3-5 days.
Hi, is it possible to get access to the FTP data download?