Company Officers API 401 CORS Issue

We have now found the issue and are looking at a fix.


Hi @MArkWilliams ,
Thanks for the response. could you please advise further update on the fix and timelines to resolve.

Hi @MArkWilliams,

Good day! We would like to inquire on more details regarding the fix you plan to implement on your end. This is just to make sure that the change we are currently making will still work even after your team applies the fix. We are trying to future proof our product for the features that use the affected APIs. Thank you.


A solution is still being worked on, but I do not have any dates yet.

Hi @MArkWilliams ,

Good day. I hope this finds you well. Is there an update now on the solution your team is working on for this issue? Thank you.


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The work is ongoing and the proposed solution is currently undergoing testing.
As soon as its ready to go live it will.
We will obviously let you know when that is imminent.

Hi @MArkWilliams ,

Thank you for the updates. Apologies for pestering you on this. Our clients are pressing us for ETA. Looking at the current state of the fix, would you be able to estimate if it is possible for the fix to be completed by the end of this month? Thank you.


Hi @MArkWilliams ,
could you please advise us with latest update on this with testing result and when it is planned to go for live.

@MArkWilliams Could we get an update on this please?

A fix has gone in for this issue.
If you are making CORS requests you will need to ensure the api key that you are using has your site in the js_domains array.

Thanks Mark, we’re up and running again now. So very many thanks to the team for their work on this.