Datasets Company profile and Officer Appointment List

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am working on an academic study for which the datasets “Company profile” and “Officer Appointment List” are perfect. I have created a Python script to download all data via the API, but this process is highly suboptimal.

To illustrate, consider company number 00000006. It requires almost 60 requests to download the company profile and the full appointment list of its officers. This translates to only 10 companies per 5 minutes or just 120 companies per hour. The rate limit of 600 requests per five minutes is one of the barriers here.

Another important limitation is that the officer ID is not an integer, but an alphanumeric string. This makes it practically impossible to iterate through a range.

Therefore, is it possible to request all required data as a bulk download instead? Unfortunately I see no alternative dataset for my study.

Thank you

Best regards,
Paddy Iam

Sorry, this feature is not available on We do have bulk product options on our other services, in a different format

e.g. Companies House