Is it possible to get previous months downloads? Also, a question for users of this product; how reliable has the data been in the past? Have you experienced any issues with it? I’m looking to base a product on this download and would just like to have an idea of reliability. Also, on the Free Company Data Product page it says it’s unsupported, what exactly does that mean? Is this product likely to be offered into the future?
Sorry, but previous months downloads are not available.
There are no plans to withdraw the product.
Unsupported simply means that we cannot assist you or offer advice with regards to your technical solution to process the data. e.g. if your ‘Python’ code does not work, we cannot help you.
Hope this helps.
Yes, no previous months are available.
This product contains all active/live and recently dissolved companies.
The only companies it does not contain are dissolved companies.
There are no dissolved bulk products. The dissolved companies on CHS/API are only since 01/01/2010. You could request a bespoke product, although there would be a charge for that. They can work out expensive.
There is a daily liquidation product on our ftp service, but that is a daily update, not a full historic product.
There may be companies (possibly on this forum) who might be able to supply the data you need.