Hi, not sure if this should go in API issue or documentation (feel free to move as appropriate).
We got a key error in relation to the below document due to the “Legacy” key not being present in filing_history_descriptions.yml enumeration file:
Filing history item in question:
{‘transaction_id’: ‘MzQ0MjQ1MTIwNmFkaXF6a2N4’,\n ‘type’: ‘ANNOTATION’,\n ‘date’: ‘2024-11-08’,\n ‘category’: ‘miscellaneous’,\n ‘description’: ‘legacy’,\n ‘description_values’: {‘description’: ‘Information not on the register The material was formerly considered to form part of the register but is no longer considered by the registrar to do so\u202f.’},\n ‘paper_filed’: True,\n ‘links’: {‘self’: ‘/company/OC301540/filing-history/MzQ0MjQ1MTIwNmFkaXF6a2N4’}},\n
We’ve updated this locally, but it would be great if this could be updated/fixed for users more generally.