Missing officers in Company Officers

Two companies - the Company Officers endpoints return http 404 not found and Beta shows “No officers” but I can find these appointments for the officers in Officer Appointments.

Both have only one officer.


You can find the officer and his appointment to this company (still active) here:

I got (some details snipped):

{ "total_results": 2, "name": "Malcolm WILSON",
  "is_corporate_officer": false,
    [ {
      "appointed_to": {
        "company_number": "SC562934",
        "company_status": "active",
        "company_name": "FMW PAINTERS LTD"
      "officer_role": "director",
      "name": "Malcolm WILSON",
      "appointed_on": "2017-04-10",
      "links": { "company": "/company/SC562934" }
    } ],
    "etag": "f8af02e5f538c4fcd072cf63182384135e78d81d",


(Etag of the last is 8461ecedd592fff6885d48a6b6753ea16fe4610c if that helps.)

They are about a year old, so (taking the cue from the following thread) I’m report this.

I will get this looked at immediately Chris. Thank you for reporting it.

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These have now been corrected.

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