Person of Significant control API error 500

Is the person of significant control api still active? Whenever we try to call it, we get the same error code 500 response ‘unable to process the request’

Welcome - I just tried this (some hours after you report) and it works correctly for me e.g. no 500 error.

Do you have any odd things (such as incorrectly URL-encoded parameters) in the URL you’re requesting? That seems the most likely cause.

I checked and it doesn’t seem to be the outstanding issue Companies House have where having a trailing “/” seems to cause errors with some endpoints - but not with others
… I’ve just tried that with the basic PSC list endpoint and that caused no issues e.g. both the following return a normal result as JSON and not an error message and/or 500 status.

curl -u MY_API_KEY: “

curl -u MY_API_KEY: “

(Note * it’s still affecting the Company Profile endpoint, just checked.)

If the problem persists for you you can search this forum to see if there’s reference to a similar situation as you’re facing.

Alternatively if you would like help from other forum users you could try posting as much data as you can e.g.

  • exactly the URL you’re requesing (endpoint)
  • whether you’ve managed to use this successfully before (or indeed any part of the API)
  • plus any other details of the request you can e.g. http headers if you know* , details of the environment / language / tool you’re using to send the request in. * The only thing you should avoid is posting your whole API key or the complete http Authorization: Basic ... header.

Hope this helps.

I can’t find anything wrong with PSC data API? Can they provide more info about how they’re formatting their requests? I would assume they’re not using the right key or something. They’re hitting the service, as it’s telling them they’re not authorising correctly. Perhaps they’re using the wrong type of API key or they’re using their secret instead of the key. I would perhaps point them at their Sign in to Companies House page, go into or create an application which contains their ‘REST API Key’ and for them to re-copy the listed API key.
I just set up a new key, used the URLs on the specs and got this back

That key should be added as the value part of the ‘Authorization’ header

if the authorization header is incorrect you will get the following

Just ran a request in Postman for PSCs that I’ve not used for a while and it runs OK and I get similar results to Mike. If I add some junk into the authorization header I get …
“error”: “Invalid Authorization”,
“type”: “ch:service”