Streaming API Snapshots

Morning All,

Has anyone had any luck in finding the downloadable snapshots for the Streaming API? The documentation provides a link ( but it resolves in a 404!

I can see that several people have asked similar questions in the past but had no responses. Equally if anyone knows of a contact at CH that I can use to enquire further that would be fantastic!



Is anyone from Companies House monitoring this forum? Or does anyone else know of the way to source the snapshots; or can provide contact details for a CH person?



Hi James,

Apologies for the delay in replying. It is still our intention to develop data snapshots for the Streaming API service and the current thinking is that we will form a project to do this next financial year, with Discovery potentially starting in April.

Thanks for the update @rmcneil, what is the suggested route for us to backfill our databases so that we can start to consume the Streams before the snapshots are available?

Hi James, that would probably be via our existing bulk products. Some of these can be simply downloaded eg Companies House would give you similar data to the Company Profile stream.

There’s also the PSC snapshot Companies House

Other products are available on request and are usually delivered via FTP though we are looking at moving to a cloud hosted solution. If you wish to discuss this further, drop me a direct message with your contact details and I’ll get the relevant customer services manager to contact you.

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Hi Robert, we are interested in some of the bulk data products delivered via FTP, could you have somebody get in touch as soon as possible please.

I couldn’t find a way to send you my contact details directly.


Hi Sam, I have DM’d you.



Hi, I am working on a project which keeps track of Company data changes. I would be very happy to get access to the “Bulk data products delivered via FTP”. At this moment I am using bulk data products like monthly company snapshots, psc daily snapshots etc.


Hi Robbie (@rmcneil),

I would like to get access to the “Bulk data products delivered via FTP”. Could you have somebody get in touch as soon as possible please

Thank you,

HI Jahirul, I have DM’d you.

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Hi Dimitry, I have DM’d you.

Hi @rmcneil,
I would like to receive access to all historical bulk products. We are performing network analyses to investigate and explain how organizations evolved over time.
Could you please facilitate access to both historical snapshots and future changes?
Best regards,
Dwight Jarreson


We are looking to download Company Snapshot via FTP. Is there any CH solution for this?



Hi @MArkWilliams

Is it possible to provide an associated timepoint with this bulk file so that I can continue updating it via the Streaming API?


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To mirror @scott.bryson, we’d also find it incredibly useful to have the timepoint on the bulk files.