Too many hits on advanced company search

Hello, I am testing out the advanced companies search api and only want to return companies past on a single date.

I have included incorporated_from parameter with a value of 2025-01-03

This should only return companies created on that date. This search pulls 23468 hits which seems like a very large number of companies created in a single day.

Am I doing something wrong?

What did you set the incorporated_to date to (from documentation here)? If you didn’t set it, perhaps it defaults to the current date, in which case you will have 2025-01-03 to e.g. 2025-01-14.

If you add the incorporated_to date you should see this drops to something like 2350.

You can of course test this online also if you want at Advanced company search - Find and update company information - GOV.UK

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You are a lifesaver! Always a simple solution that you cant see in the moment.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: