We are calling the Filing History Stream - Streaming API: Company filing history stream
It appears to be the case that we receive data from this stream that is not “complete”.
By “complete” we expect the links.document_metadata
to be present.
For example, when we receive data from the stream we get the following:
"data": {
"barcode": "XDGAQ683",
"category": "confirmation-statement",
"date": "2024-11-21",
"description": "confirmation-statement-with-no-updates",
"links": {
"self": "/company/13556781/filing-history/MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4"
"transaction_id": "MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4",
"type": "CS01"
"event": {
"published_at": "2024-11-21T11:44:04",
"timepoint": 176128179,
"type": "changed"
"resource_id": "MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4",
"resource_kind": "filing-history",
"resource_uri": "/company/13556781/filing-history/MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4"
If i then later make a call to resource_uri:
We get.
"transaction_id": "MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4",
"barcode": "XDGAQ683",
"type": "CS01",
"date": "2024-11-21",
"category": "confirmation-statement",
"description": "confirmation-statement-with-no-updates",
"description_values": {
"made_up_date": "2024-11-20"
"pages": 3,
"action_date": "2024-11-20",
"links": {
"self": "/company/13556781/filing-history/MzQ0NDI5NTkwNGFkaXF6a2N4",
"document_metadata": "https://document-api.company-information.service.gov.uk/document/TTOYBUltYaYHpDfguwapDnWHOLbaaKcmMvU0ueRAbvs"
Now we can see the links.document_metadata
is present.
I was under the assumption that i would be able get any new filings that come in and their associated document in “real time” using this stream.
How would i go about handling this as it’s not clear when the links.document_metadata
would be present?
- Is perhaps a separate stream endpoint required to achieve this?
- I only want to receive filing history if the document is ready.
- Is there any time frame you can give me for how long it takes for the document_metadata to be present after receiving the initial filing data from the stream endpiont?