Hi, we’ve just started receiving 403 responses on the API. Please could someone get in touch to let me know why and how we can resolve this? Many thanks.
We are getting the same issue, as of 12:30 today.
And the same here, for some client’s keys but not others
Apologies for the service issues. They should have stopped now.
Still having an issue here
Hi Mark, thanks for the update, but I’m still getting the same 403 responses.
We are also experiencing the same issues. Suddenly stopped working this morning for our corporate application. Do you have any further guidance?
Apologies, some API users are still having authentication issues.
We are investigating.
Is anyone still getting errors now?
If so, let me know so I can contact you for your API key.
Hi Mark. We are still experiencing the same error, can you email me for my API key info? Thanks.
Likewise here, I’m afraid
Still getting errors here, too.
We have identified the problem and will be regressing some code that went in today.
I will let you know when that work is complete.
We have decided to regress the changes made today. You should no longer be receiving 403 messages. Apologies
for the inconvenience.
Yes, all working now. Thank you for getting back to me.
All working now, thanks for resolving quickly.
I thought that was me… Seems to be working now, thanks.
Brilliant, thanks guys
I am still having issues in making the endpoint
working. This morning the error code was 403, now, after I specified domains in my application (where I have my API), I am getting the following error:
Method failed: (/search/companies) with code: 400 → {“error”:“Invalid Authorization header”,“type”:“ch:service”}
(it was working till yesterday, without specifying anything in the header)
Any idea?
Thanks in advance!
I am also getting 403 errors when using the API trying to access filing history