Hey everyone, been trying to set up an application using the API but have run into some problems and I’m hoping somebody can help. I am using python to retrieve the data.
Bascially, I have a txt file which contains a list of company numbers that I want the API to search for, here is my code:
input_file = open('company.txt', 'r')
for x in input_file:
url = 'https://api.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/{}/filing-history'.format(x)
r = requests.get(url, auth=('AUTH', ''))
data = r.json()
This basically cycles through all the entries in the document, and for every new line, constructs a new URL which is then sent through the API. The problem is however, is that the API only really processes the first one on the list, even though I know for a fact each line is in fact being individually cycled through. This is what happens:
{'filing_history_status': 'filing-history-available', 'total_count': 0, 'items_per_page': 25, 'start_index': 0, 'items': []}
{'filing_history_status': 'filing-history-available', 'total_count': 137,
As you can see, one of the URL’s gets sent off to the API but returns 0 results, even though I know this is not true, while the other returns 137. Its very odd because it doesn’t matter what company numbers I put into the text file, at least 1 of them returns blank.
I have tested each company individually and lots of results are returned, but its only when I try to run them one after the other do I get this error.
Furthermore, even if I run a script that makes the 2 same queries one right after the other, the API returns the results exactly as required, this code is:
import requests
import json
url = 'https://api.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/03778604/filing-history'
r = requests.get(url, auth=('**AUTH**, ''))
data = r.json()
url = 'https://api.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/00235446/filing-history'
r = requests.get(url, auth=('AUTH', ''))
data = r.json()
Do you think this is a problem on my side? or perhaps something to do elsewhere.
Any help is greatly appreciated