I would like to know how I can get bulk financial information on all companies going back five years?
I know I can get the daily download but that only goes back to January 2015.
Is there a bulk source that will provide me with financial information since 2011?
Thank you very much!
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I have messaged you asking for your email address to pass to our customer care team to discuss your requirements.
Thank you for your reply.
I have messaged you.
October 25, 2016, 8:57am
I messaged you a while ago but didn’t receive any reply. I’m interested in obtaining access to the data. What can I do to get access to the historic financial information?
February 20, 2017, 3:01pm
I too have a prescient business need to acquire historical financial data going back to before the current bulk data downloads begin.
I would be thankful too for a contact from your customer care team @MArkWilliams , on the email address attached to this account is fine.
Hi, I have passed your email to our customer care team who will be in contact with you.
Hi Mark,
Would you please pass on the details linked to my account also for this.
Many thanks
Hi, I have passed your email to our customer care team who will be in contact with you.
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Hi Mark,
Would it be possible for you to forward on my details for this request also?
Hi, I have passed your details to our customer care team who will contact you.
Hi @MArkWilliams I would have the same request: how to get bulk financial information going back 5 years? Thanks!
Hi @MArkWilliams could we also have the ability please?
October 5, 2017, 1:01pm
Could you forward this onto me as well please.
October 19, 2017, 10:30am
Please could you forward the information on to me as well?
Many thanks, Ian
Would you be able to send this to me also?
Thank you kindly,
Hey did you ever receive a reply to your request?
I couldn’t see this answer anywhere else and so could my details also be provided to the Customer Care team to contact me on the same topic ie bulk financial information.
Many thanks
@MArkWilliams could you please allow access to bulk financial data
Hi there,
I am interested with the bulk financial data that cover the previous 5 financial year too. Can someone please allow the access to this?
Thank you!