I’m just looking at trying to build a list of all possible Accounts made up to dates for a company, does Companies House provide this list (I assume they hold it internally)? Otherwise looking at the API it looks like I need to parse the Filing History list looking for items that have one of the following descriptions:
'change-account-reference-date-company-previous-extended' : "**Previous accounting period extended** from {made_up_date} to {new_date}"
'change-account-reference-date-company-previous-shortened' : "**Previous accounting period shortened** from {made_up_date} to {new_date}"
'change-account-reference-date-company-current-extended' : "**Current accounting period extended** from {made_up_date} to {new_date}"
'change-account-reference-date-company-current-shortened' : "**Current accounting period shortened** from {made_up_date} to {new_date}"
I then would need to grab the {made_up_date} and {new_date} fields and work out the changes backwards from the current ARD. Is this my best option?