'capital-allotment-shares' returns more data than fields

The description ‘capital-allotment-shares’ returns more data in ‘description_values’ that there are placeholders for in the description.

‘capital-allotment-shares’ : “Statement of capital following an allotment of shares on {date}”

For example, for document ID https://document-api.companieshouse.gov.uk/document/ynI8g0LvFLj6wylhu236Q1u6dE-llGFGB-MgFt1Wqsg, its 'description’ short-code is ‘capital-allotment-shares’, and as you can see above there is one item for replacement, i.e. {date}.

However, in ‘description_values’, 2 items are present - ‘date’ and ‘capital’, with capital itself being a list containing a dictionary with 2 items, ‘currency’ and ‘figure’.


Apologies for the delay in responding to this post. This is a gap in our enumerations definition and documentation. The currency and figure can be used to enhance the description and on our beta web service we simply add to the end of the description.

