When submitting messages to the XML part of the CH system one of the fields you need to provide is ExistingChargeKey
is this returned through the JSON API?
This may be better directed to http://xmlforum.aws.chdev.org/
I already tried in the XML forum but was asked to post here…
I will find someone who can answer your question if I have to search the entire department.
I have found ‘someone’, who will investigate.
Hi Mark,
Have you been able to find out anything further about this?
No, sorry still awaiting a reply.
Hi Mark,
Just wondered whether there’d been any more progress on this yet?
So sorry about this delay. The analyst who was looking at this has been too busy with higher priority work. That is not an excuse of course, just reality here.
I will contact them again and see if there is anyone else available.
Again so sorry for the delay.