Companies in webcheck but not in JSON

Hi - there seem to be a number of companies missing from the new API - for example 05094746

Is a closed company, still visibile in webcheck, still available for document purchase there, but according to the json API, it doesn’t and has never existed, which is clearly not true.

This is causing some considerable problems and has stopped my project to move entirely to the JSON interface dead in its tracks.

Thanks for looking


The company was closed more than 6 years ago - such companies are not in the API / Beta dataset.

WebCHeck for 05094746 says “Status: Dissolved 02/06/2009”

See this post:

“As an interim measure, we have taken the decision to not make information on companies dissolved more than 6 years ago available on the new CH beta service. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.”

I filed a request for improvement so that there should be some kind of indication that data is missing, rather than no difference between “data removed” and “never existed”. Don’t think this will change though.

Ah - thanks for the information - I agree with you that not being able to distinguish between ‘removed’ and ‘unknown’ is very unhelpful. I’ll try filing a similar request, it cannot hurt.

Thanks again
