Company Profile - New API Seems Missing Number of Data Fields as Compare to Earlier API


We are currently implementing measures to use the new companies house API to retrieve information, however there are a number of data fields that were previously available that do not seem to be with the new system. Can you please advise on how the following data can be obtained via API.

Missing Company Information with New API:

  1. CountryOfOrigin
  2. RegDateType
  3. Accounts_DocumentAvailable
  4. Returns_DocumentAvailable
  5. Mortgages_MortgageInd
  6. Mortgages_NumMortCharges
  7. Mortgages_NumMortOutstanding
  8. Mortgages_NumMortPartSatisfied
  9. Mortgages_NumMortSatisfied
  10. HasUKestablishment
  11. HasAppointments
  12. InLiquidation
  13. SicText

Existing API:{company_number}

New API:{company_number}

Please advise.

The following answer is assuming that your reference to our existing API and the data missing is a comparison with our XML gateway, because the end points you give (existing and new) are both for our new JSON API: -{company_number} - This is the new search API{company_number} - This is the new company profile API (similar to the XMLGW company details service).

The following details where to retrieve the data specified from the new API endpoints:

Company Profile Data
The following can be retrieved from the company profile resource. Documentation for the resource can be found at:

2. RegDateType
Not explicitly provided but can be determined from extracting the {“company_type”} and then using the corresponding company_birth_type enumeration in the constants.yml file in the github repository which will then provide “Registered On or Formed On or Incorporated On” GitHub - companieshouse/api-enumerations.

3. Accounts_DocumentAvailable
Not explicitly provided but the presence of the following being returned from the company profile resource would indicate that accounts documents are available. It should also be noted that the filing history and retrieval of the images can also be made through the new API, with documentation at:

{“accounts” : {“last_acounts” : {“made_up_to”}}}

4. Returns_DocumentAvailable
Not explicitly provided but the presence of the following being returned from the company profile resource would indicate that annual return documents are available. It should also be noted that the filing history and retrieval of the images can also be made through the new API, with documentation at:

{“annual_return” : {“last_made_up_to”}}

5. Mortgages_MortgageInd

12. InLiquidation
The status of the company will indicate if its in Liquidation by returning a status of liquidation.

The following flags are also returned which indicate if the company has ever been in liquidation or has any insolvency history, with insolvency data then available from the insolvency resource


13. SicText
The SIC codes are returned {“sic_codes” : []}. The texts for these codes can then be looked up in our enumeration files; GitHub - companieshouse/api-enumerations. With SIC codes being in constants.yml ( SIC Code look up )

The following can be retrieved from the charge resource API; There are 2 endpoints for charges; One which lists all charges for a company and the second which can then be used to retrieve further details for a specific charge. The members detailed below are from the “list” endpoint. Documentation for the resources can be found at:

6. Mortgages_NumMortCharges

7. Mortgages_NumMortOutstanding
The API does not explicitly return this information but can be deduced from the other totals provided.

8. Mortgages_NumMortPartSatisfied

9. Mortgages_NumMortSatisfied

The following can be determined from the officerlist resource; Documentation for the API can be found at:

11. HasAppointments
Not explicitly provided but a call to the officer resource will determine if the company has appointments.

A change is underway to provide links to resources such as officers to the profile data (and other resources) so that everything is discoverable.

Overseas Data
Overseas functionality is not yet available through the new API.

10. HasUKestablishment

1. CountryOfOrigin
The API is not returning this specific element.


Thanks for the information. There are few more fields which we are not getting in the new API. Can you please advise on how the following data can be obtained via API?

  1. HasInconsistencies
  2. RegistrationDate
  3. ClosureDate
  4. LastBulkShareDate
  5. WeededDate
  6. LimitedPartnerships_NumGenPartners
  7. LimitedPartnerships_NumLimPartners



In response, the following details where to retrieve the data specified from the API endpoints:

This information is not returned through the API presently

WeededDate; This relates to the delivery of microfiche which is now obsolete.

The following data items are provided through the company profile resource. Documentation for the resource can be found at:

This is returned as the {date_of_creation}. The terminology that should be used to state whether a company was registered, incorporated, formed on etc. can be determined by looking up the {type} in the company_birth_type enumeration, found in api-enumerations/constants.yml at develop · companieshouse/api-enumerations · GitHub

This is returned as the {date_of_cessation}.

