I’m just trying to test examples through the API docs at https://developer.companieshouse.gov.uk/document/docs/document/id/fetchDocumentMeta.html
I have generated a new key just to show that I have the correct Authorization token etc. The key is oUq7li2wtcJKDmL8vEDXW0FO2YestNQAIiyt-T4v so when I encode oUq7li2wtcJKDmL8vEDXW0FO2YestNQAIiyt-T4v: (i.e. blank password) with base64 then my access token is b1VxN2xpMnd0Y0pLRG1MOHZFRFhXMEZPMlllc3ROUUFJaXl0LVQ0djo=
This is what when i try to fill in the form at the bottom of the URL at the top with the relevant details:
GET /document/gh438fghd09euthg829 HTTP/1.1
Host: document-api.companieshouse.gov.ukundefined
Authorization: Basic b1VxN2xpMnd0Y0pLRG1MOHZFRFhXMEZPMlllc3ROUUFJaXl0LVQ0djo=
Response status
0 error
Response body
Failure while contacting API. Some possible causes are connection problems or cross-origin resource sharing protection. Please check javascript domains registered against APIKey / OAuth2 registration.
What am I doing wrong?