When downloading documents from the new api (/filing-history) we are finding that a few are missing some data.
For example we get the odd document that doesn’t have the document_metadata link.
These documents also don’t appear online and have an empty barcode field.
The paper_filed flag is true so I am wondering what these documents are and why they aren’t properly included?
There is a simmiler thread from over 2 years ago but that talks about a fix so I am not sure if they are related.
There are a couple of reasons why images may be missing, including redaction, paper filed document scanning errors and genuine missing images.
I have just checked a couple of the examples and most are resolutions, which is a known issue.
A fix is planed but in the meantime a workaround runs every 2 weeks or so to fix these.
Any older ones are rescanned/regenerated/fixed on demand.
You can report these to us via the ‘Is there anything wrong with this page?’ link at the bottom of every page on the beta web site or you can email enquires@companieshouse.gov.uk.