It looks like there are a couple of new fields. Also, some of the issues regarding the grouping of resolutions look like they’ve been, if not fixed, at least improved somewhat.
One of the problems is that the documentation doesn’t have any kind of changelog and versioning so it’s really hard to say for certain.
Has this response been changed?
If it has been updated, is there any reason why these changes aren’t being announced anywhere?
Do you have any kind of eta as to when the documentation is going to be improved (it’s something that has been promised many times)?
Is there any way you could add some kind of basic dating or versioning to the documentation in the meantime?
And on a vaguely related note Is there any way to get a response on forum posts that seem to have been completely ignored? There are several of them and it can be extremely frustrating.
We haven’t deployed any changes to the FilingHistoryList endpoint recently and we will publish these changes on the forum for each deployment.
As part of the work to correct missing images groupings of resolutions may have changed, with the resolutions being separate filing history entries rather than children of a parent, but uses the existing API structures to achieve.
We will look at the suggestion regarding versioning the documentation, and we are working on the improvements but have no delivery timescales as yet.
We make every effort to answer all posts and apologise if some have been missed, and will conduct a review and respond appropriately.
I was a little frustrated as, even though the underlying API hasn’t changed the resolutions grouping issue has been raised on the forum a couple of times and it was indicated that we’d be informed when any progress was made.
Do you know if the resolutions are now grouped correctly across the board? I (and I assume others) have had to add code to group them manually after receiving the API response and it would be good to know if it is safe to remove this… and if not, will it ever be safe or do you anticipate that there will always be some resolutions not grouped correctly.