Currently Companies that were dissolved over a year ago don’t show up in the beta name search even if their profile and filing history are available.
This is a known issues that was discussed here:
Where it was stated that you planned to fix this, but didn’t have a time scale.
Is this still the plan and do you have a time scale yet?
As it stands this is creating a serious issue for us. We use the API for the provision of company information and historical documents. However, if we use the API for searching it won’t show some companies, even though we can provide that information. So instead we use the XML Gateway. The problem is, when we use the XML Gateway to search it returns dissolved companies that aren’t in API yet.
Whatever method we use to search company names there is a discrepancy between the results of the name search, and the data available in the API.
This has been recently discussed under the following post.
We currently hold 6 years worth of dissolved data and index the most recent 18 months of that. The current plan is to index the full 6 years of data once we have implemented the appropriate filters to the search functionality to allow customers to either include or exclude dissolved data from the search. We are looking to implement this by April 2016.
We are planning on releasing enhanced search functionality by mid June which will also update the search index to contain 6 years worth of dissolved data.
Apologies if I have mis-understood the question but the dissolved data is available through the existing API endpoints, so there is no separate or new API definitions.
Sorry I wasn’t clear. I think i may have misread the search update and the index update as the same thing.
The update to the search index to include 6 years worth of dissolved data won’t effect how it is currently used and will just provide an improved data set?
No, unfortunately we had to regress as we were not happy with the performance under load. We have some ideas on how to improve that and I’ll try to get an estimate for re-implementation tomorrow.