We have noticed that since 2019-08-21 we are not receiving any notifications from the streaming endpoint for company NOBEL ENERGY LIMITED - 09102634. However, we can see from the web platform (NOBEL ENERGY LIMITED filing history - Find and update company information - GOV.UK) that we should have received them as changes have been registered for this company. Could you please advise us on how to receive the latest changes for this company via streaming?
Any updates on this?
I am not sure what we can do to help you. There are no problems with the streaming API (as far as we know) This is the ONLY report and for a specific company. None of this makes sense. EVERY update/change goes through the stream. We (Companies House) even use our own streaming API for internal services.
We cannot go back and check traffic going out of the stream more than 10 days ago, so we are unable to check your specific issue.
Are you getting ANY data out of the stream?
Which streams are you connecting to?
Do you connect/disconnect regularly/routinely?
Do you re-connect with appropriate timepoints?