Officer Appointments & Disqualifications Ordering

For “Officer Appointments” & “Officer Disqualifications” API, are the appointments and disqualifications returned always ordered by the latest ?

We would like to show only the latest address of the officer. So if only the latest appointment/disqualification is returned first, we can extract the first address alone.

Is the appointments ordered by “appointed_on” date value ?

And Is the disqualifications ordered by “disqualified_from/disqualified_until” date value ?

Does the first appointment/disqualification address indirectly refer to the Officer’s latest/current address ?

@mfairhurst Awaiting response. We need to make some migration design decisions based on your reply.


The ordering of the officer appointments is by current appointments followed by resigned appointments.

  • Current appointments are by appointment date, latest first (it should be noted that in the scenario where a director has not resigned but the company has dissolved, this is treated as a current appointment)
  • Resigned appointments are by resignation date, latest first.

The ordering of disqualifications is by disqualification date, latest first.

With regards to the address, from a Companies House perspective, they are provided at the company level not the individual level. To further clarify an officer and the address is associated with a company, we do not associate an address with a person and then the person with a company! Therefore you could take the latest appointment and treat that address as the latest one they have provided to Companies House, and the most up to date, but technically its the most up to date one with respect to the company. Hope thats clear :grinning:



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