We have a script we run on a daily basis that retrieves that days newly registered companies and then the officers names. On occasion in the past we have seen officer names ‘lagging’ the registration by minutes to hours (is this normal?) but for a while now we have officer names missing from (a majority of ) companies that are days old. Different this time - the ‘people’ tab is also missing from the corresponding beta.companieshouse web page record (random example 10509095 reg on 2/12/16)
Is this a one-off issue, or is data expected to be missing ‘for some time’ or has access to director names changed somehow?
They can run behind on occasion just as part of processing backlogs but the ones you report are a specific data error issue. I have raised with the relevant technical team and they will get this fixed.
Thanks Robert - good to know its not me somehow! How frequently do the officers lag by more than a minute or two? I’m sure it used to (6 months ago) be really quite rare, but we have been seeing long runs of these recently. If it realistic for us to be expecting to reliably extract officer on the same day a company is formed, or should we be tempering our expectations?
Apologies, I’ve only just picked this up. This is a relatively new problem and affects a significant number of officers on new companies. We have a work around that we have just increased the frequency of, so any affected should now be appearing within a few hours.