The field Etag can be used as a ID?
Etag of a row can change between snapshots?
The field Etag can be used as a ID?
Etag of a row can change between snapshots?
Asked the same question some time ago in this post
Is there any chance that the Etag can be treated as key? (i.e. is already hashed version of the self link) or is better safer to use the self link for that.
And the answer was
The etag cannot be treated as a key. The plan is for the etag to be used by customers as a way of returning data only if its changed since the last time they requested the resource, but we have yet to implement the functionality. The following forum post discusses in more detail. Etags in documentation, but not in resources - #2 by h_brackmann.
Please use the self link as the key as it is the unique identifier for the resource.
Have a lovely day,
Thank you very much by explanation Patryk.
Have a nice day.
Hi @patryk_turowicz,
You know if the id of self link its the same for same person?
Seems strange but I didnt find any id repeated in 500k rows!
Many thanks,
As @patryk_turowicz indicated, it seems that the PSC ID - like the officer ID - serves only to identify that particular PSC entry for that particular company:
So in the PSC snapshot data set, the part:
“self”: “/company/09145694/persons-with-significant-control/individual/bIhuKnMFctSnjrDjUG8n3NgOrlU”
… I’d expect the link /company/09145694/persons-with-significant-control/individual/bIhuKnMFctSnjrDjUG8n3NgOrlU to be unique and the ID bIhuKnMFctSnjrDjUG8n3NgOrlU wouldn’t refer to the same entity even if you did find it occuring in another company.
It should probably make this explicit in the documentation e.g. PSC list resource.
Thanks by explanation @voracityemail