Person With Significant Control - How to get the current status?

Hello Support ,

A PSC for a company cane be in ‘active’ or ‘ceased’ status.

How can I get information on the status of a PSC using the API ? I can see that the webconsole has this details but could not find it in the API response.

I do see a section where it says active / inactive count , but this does not specify which of the PSC is active / inactive.

Endpoint Used : GET{company_number}/persons-with-significant-control/individual/{psc_id}

Any help is appreciated.

See note * at bottom - I’m just another forum user.

From what you’ve said (“active … ceased” and “webconsole”) it sounds like you can see the status of PSCs in Companies House Beta and want to find the status of individual PSCs for a particular company. If that’s the case my method is:

  1. Use the List PSC endpoint to list all PSCs for a given company number.
  2. You’ll get a PSC List resource object as a response (if there are PSCs).
  3. For each PSC object in the items check if there is a ceased_on member (with a date) - if so the PSC status is “ceased”, if not then they’re “active”.

Beware - sometimes fields (esp. dates) from CH appear as blank fields / in formats other than that documented. For more info it’s worth a search on e.g. “date format” on this forum.

Here’s an example of a company with one active PSC: 07470140
Here’s one with a “ceased” PSC: 10010100

For more examples try looking through the PSC snapshot (monthly update) data set.

It may be of interest to note that method is very similar to how I’d do this with the company Officer List to find “ceased” e.g. “resigned” officers. The difference is that the officer is “active” unless their object has a resigned_on member with a date.

  • When you say “support” - it’s a forum. You might get CH personnel but for more technical queries but I’m not one of them!

Thanks very much for clarifying the query.


Sorry to dig out this old topic.
I am receiving json reposne from

GET /company/{company_number}/

But repose does not contain ceasedon field.
Was something changed?

if there is no ceased_on, that person is active.
Do you have a specific company number?


Yes, sorry, you are correct.
When I was testing json response I was unlucky and chose only Companies with no deactivated Significant control People. Due to this I my object never had a field “ceased_on”.

In my opinion it would be better if this field was always included in the response, not only when it has value.

Nevertheless, thank you for your great work on this project.
Kind Regards