No issue here. I have just called it successfully and got back:-
{“etag”:“a9af0b75e0653484c1e40b907559360229e3bba5”,“kind”:“registered-office-address”,“links”:{“self”:"/company/08540541/registered-office-address"},“address_line_1”:“Unit 132 Henry House”,“address_line_2”:“275 New North Road”,“locality”:“London”,“postal_code”:“N1 7AA”}
I can’t think of any reason I should get this - can you? I correctly get a 400 for a weird authorization header, and 401 for an invalid authorization header.
Response status
404 Not Found
Response body
Response headers
x-ratelimit-limit: 600
x-ratelimit-remain: 598
x-ratelimit-reset: 1609512154
x-ratelimit-window: 5m