At the bottom of each web page in the information service there is a link titled “Is there anything wrong with this page?”, which takes the user to a form titled “Help us improve…”. So as a diligent user having found a data error, I hit the link and went to the form.
The form submits to CH the URL of the problem-page and includes a text field in which the user can explain the problem. So, being the public-spirited person that I am, I submitted a defective Officers page and wrote: “This person appears to be born in the same year & month as his appointment. Wrong DOB”.
The next day, a “Contact Centre Agent” wrote back:
“Can you please provide us with the company name and number so we can look into your enquiry?”
Unbelievable, because of course the company name and number is visible on the page at the submitted URL. So I wrote back:
“You already have that information in the linked “CHS page” below”.
To which she replied:
“I am sorry but I am unable to click on a link.”
So it appears that people working in the “Contact Centre” are not allowed to look at the public Companies House web site, and at the page which the user has submitted. How are they supposed to do their jobs?
Out of pity, I then printed the defective page to a PDF and attached it to my latest reply. Let us hope that she is allowed to open the attachment - but in the meantime, PLEASE UNBLOCK the Companies House web site for people in the Contact Centre!