I am using “GET https://api.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/{company_number}/filing-history/{transaction_id}” and it has two required fields, company_number and transaction_id.
It also requires api_key for authentication.
Can someone please provide me the api_key with sample company number and transaction id.
You need to apply for access. The documentation starts here - you can read how to apply, set up etc.
After this it sounds like you want the Companies House public data API - documentation here:
Once you’ve got through that, try experimenting. Searching this forum for answers is a good way to understand more. A wide range of questions have been covered here.
Basic Auth is working on postman but not in my pega application.
I need to configure OAuth 2.0. How to create client_id and client_secret for OAuth 2.0.
Do you need OAuth 2 for your usage of Companies House APIs? It’s only needed for the Manipulate Company Data (API filing) API. If you just want to search or get company information, get company documents / filings or get updates in real time via the Streaming API you don’t need OAuth, just the API key with http basic authentication.
I think you get the client ID and client secret when you sign up and register an application. So the same process as you already did to get your API key. More info on the OAuth route - if you really need it - here: