Where do I find a list of possible restriction queries?
The description suggests: Enumerable options to restrict search results. Space separate multiple restriction options to combine functionality. For a “company name availability” search use “active-companies legally-equivalent-company-name” together.
For example I want to filter by company status or by date of incorporation. Would be useful to see a list of possible restrictions, have I missed it?
Hopefully someone from Companies House will be along to explain this one. I hadn’t noticed that extra parameter appear - I mostly just follow this forum for updates. I did try searching around in Companies House github but if it isn’t in the usual places (e.g. Enum constants) then good luck finding it!
I suspect it may well be some things that they use internally and it’s slipped into the documents. This is a little unusual. In the past it has been more about people posting oddities they’ve discovered here and requesting these get a mention in the documentation!
Hopefully they’ll be along to explain at some point but in general if they haven’t announced it formally then don’t rely on it. Good luck.
Bump on this. Like people above, we’ve searched the github repos but no hints about the possible values of the Enum or any tests to suggest its usage. An issue has been raised on the .net client but so far we were unable to resolve it. Hope an answer from this team can shed some light.