Search officers with nationality

Good day.
Help please. How you can get when searching for officers of their nationality. For example, I want to enter in the search for “Andrey, Ukraine” and I want to get all the officers with the name Andrey and the nationality of Ukraine.

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Hopefully you’ll get an official response from Companies House. This would be a useful function but as far as I’m aware the answer is no.

However, if you didn’t need to get this information live you could request access to the bulk data which may have this information. (I don’t subscribe to this myself so don’t know for sure, but the bulk PSC information does include all fields).

The officers search unofficially does include some or all of the address. Bear in mind that this is the service address e.g. whatever they put on the filing, not necessarily their residential address. So you may also find a lot of officers from companies with registered offices in Ukraine, whether or not that’s their nationality.

See threads:

That’s a really good feature request! I would like to support this.