Is there any kind of SIC code look-up facility though the API, enumeration repository or Companies House in general or will we need to look elsewhere for that?
Found them… keep scrolling down in constants.yml (in case anyone else is wondering!)
Do you have any information on how these lookups are going to be maintained and updated and if there is going to be any kind of notification for upates?
@ash I am alos looking for the sic-code lookup facility. Where do I find the constants.yml that you mentioned above.
This post, and other like it, reinforce the point that Hywel made last September ( and I supported). It would be so much easier for ALL users but especially those new to the API, if all of the supplementary documentation was in once place and the right place here with the core documents instead of lurking on Github. A developing Index would be nice too!
The enumeration mapping files are currently available in Github and can be accessed from