In the API documentation I found this:
Is anyone able to clarify what are CLOSED and OPEN referring to? Which is the difference between Active/Open and Dissolved/Closed and why do we have two similar values?
In the API documentation I found this:
Is anyone able to clarify what are CLOSED and OPEN referring to? Which is the difference between Active/Open and Dissolved/Closed and why do we have two similar values?
I believe these apply to different types of entity. Welcome to the entity type zoo - there are many kinds! I am still learning some of these…
So “active” vs. “dissolved” relate to e.g. private companies / private limited companies / public limited companies. (That covers a lot of the entries at Companies House - however there are a lot more types.)
“open” and “closed” are analogous but are used for the status of UK establishments (of overseas companies)
For example, see the status of this UK establishment: FERRARI FINANCIAL SERVICES GMBH - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
Compare with the status of the parent company:
FERRARI FINANCIAL SERVICES GMBH - Overview (free company information from Companies House)
I believe “converted” relates to changing the type of entity - or “re-registration”. Unfortunately I don’t have an example to hand but I believe certain changes would result in a new “company number” - in which case I think the original entry would then get the “converted-closed” status?
There are lots of possible conversions. Again I don’t have a list of what happens in each case. The following links may be useful - mostly for context. They don’t deal directly with what values you will find in the API though.
Overseas companies / UK establishments see here:
Overseas companies registered in the UK - GOV.UK
Closure, administration, strike off, liquidation etc. for different entity types: Company registration and filing: Closing a company - detailed information - GOV.UK
Private limited company to public limited company - Re-register your private limited company to a plc (RR01) - GOV.UK
“UK Societas” (formerly “Societas Europea”) to PLC - see here: Running a UK Societas (UKS) - GOV.UK
(This is a slightly unusual one since this has changed since Brexit)
Striking off, dissolution and restoration: Company strike off, dissolution and restoration - GOV.UK