Streaming API POSC not using 24 hour time properly

I have noticed that the published at timestamps for the POSC feed (companies and officers are OK) doesn’t show any times for 13:00 to 23:59, it used 01:00 to 11:59 (meaning you can’t tell the difference between the AM and PM time).

For example today there was an entry at 12:59:03 and the next entry is 01:00:03:

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Thanks for raising this. I am also experiencing this issue.

Eg, a recent event had this:


and came through at 2024-10-25T13:53:03Z.
So its formatting 1pm as 01 instead of 13 with no indicator of AM/PM.

Please could Companies House use an ISO8601 formatted timestamp for all the published_at fields across the streams. Some of the streams use it correctly, but many don’t (eg not including the timezone Z for UTC).

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Apologies, we are aware of an issue with inconsistent time formats on some of the streams.