.Zip company files with *more* than summary data?

Hello there. Not sure exactly where this question belongs.

My group is currently in the process of developing a system that downloads the monthly company summary CSV data zip files here:


And then “enriches” the data for many (thousands) of the companies we’ve flagged, via API calls to officers, filing histories, etc. Turns out to be dozens of API calls per second, round the clock.

My question is about an alternative solution; would it be possible for CH to provide a ZIP file(s) of more than just summary data for all companies? Including officers and filing histories. (I realize this might get difficult to represent with CSV headers, so perhaps JSON formatted.)

A monthly update cadence would be minimal, but suffice – the more frequent, the better.

Please let me know if it’s possible to coordinate an effort to produce such a zip file, paid or (ideally) free.



Someone should be in contact shortly to discuss this in more detail and discuss some potential options.



I would welcome the opportunity to talk through the potential options here; my requirements spec is somewhat different but the principle is the same.


I’ve requested contact to be made directly to discuss in more detail.



Many thanks, Mark. Two-way contact established which is great.