Getting Confirmation Statements from API


Is it possible to get confirmation statements from API get request. I know it is working for Annual returns, but not confirmation statements. Thanks in advance.



Your question is slightly confusing because the confirmation statement replaced the annual return on 30 June 2016. You will find more information here:

You certainly can make an API request for confirmation statements using the following endpoints:

I hope this helps.

Thanks very much for your response, but filing-history doesn’t provide confirmation statement category in the params, it only provides following categories, there is not confirmation statements, and annual-return category only provides annual returns not the confirmation statements, you can get the following from the below: Companies House Public Data API: filingHistoryList
the provided categories are:

  • accounts
  • address
  • annual-return
  • capital
  • change-of-name
  • incorporation
  • liquidation
  • miscellaneous
  • mortgage
  • officers
  • resolution

Thanks for your response again

I need the list, not by transaction ID

Also, I don’t look for POST, I need GET request, your help is appreciated.

Hello @murad.aladdinzade

Using this endpoint on CHS: (+your key)

I used this type of code;
request.Open “GET”, (plus the detail above)
which I think is your requirement of Get rather than Post?

I see this on the JSON reply;

The bit in green circle appears to show the detail I think you want?

Hope it helps.

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Confirmation Statements should be included in the Annual Return category. However, in general you need to be looking at the type field (items[].type in the documentation you linked to). This will usually (there are some exceptions) be the name of the form associated with the filing. For confirmation statements this will be CS01.

So essentially if you loop through the filingHistoryList, any time you encounter an item with the type CS01, that will be a confirmation statement.;

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