How to Get and verify officers for company?

We would like to know that how can we verify the officers for company using XML?


Apologies for the delay in responding to the post. Could you possibly clarify exactly what you are trying to do, as its not clear what is meant by verify the officers.

To retrieve the officers of a company then the following endpoint through our API can be used:

To search for officers and then retrieve their appointments then the following can be used:

Please note that the API returns data in JSON format not XML.



We want to use the follwoing XML api gateway:


Can you please demonstrate the request and response to get company information and their officers information?

Further Following setups we did:
CompanyHouseAPIURL : as given above
CompanyHouseAPISenderID : not received yet from CH. is this required?
CompanyHouseAPIUserID : api key generated and we have it.
CompanyHouseAPIPassword : not required in http basic authentication.

is above setup information is correct or do we wrong ?

Please guide us.

Many thanks


All the information required to use and register for the XML Gateway service can be found at the following link

This forum is specifically for the JSON API we are developing which will be a replacement for the XML Gateway and at some point in the future and we will be deprecating the XML service. There has been no decision taken on the timescales for the closure but notice and support will be given to customers.

Therefore I would encourage you to use the JSON API rather than the XML Gateway.



Many thanks for providing quick response.