Requesting scopes on sandbox API

I am building a php client to consume the /registered-email-address endpoint.

So far I am successfully requesting an authorisation code for the scope '' and then receiving an access_token etc by using the code.

When I add the scope '{company_number}/registered-email-address.update' I am redirected to the Companies House auth page but it states “Sorry we are experiencing technical difficulties”.

I have, of course, replaced {company_number} with a number but, as this is the sandbox, it is just a made up company number.

Are there specific company numbers we can use for testing? How can I successfully request this scope in the sandbox?

I have searched the forum for similar topics. I found this similar query and this practically identical query but neither of them have solutions.

Have you created a test company to use?

API testing provides information about testing filings in the sandbox environment.
One of the points is:
How developers can test filing APIs in the sandbox

  • Create a test company using the test data generator API.

You do not mention creating a test company which you can do with the test data generatory api: Sandbox Test Data Generator API: Specification summary

Also please ensure that all company numbers are the full 8 characters long.

Thanks for that reply MArk, I was not aware of the facility to create test companies. I will try that…