502 Bad Gateway For Search Company

Hello, it seems that this topic seems to be a reoccurring one. Today 13/02/2018 - we are receiving Error 502 bad gateway. Not only when we make the API call, but when I try to sign in the same error appeared. It took me a while just to be able to post this message on here since I was unable to sign in correctly.

We are working hard to diagnose the root cause(s) of these issues. We have implemented a number of changes in order to restore the stability of the platform, and have a number of further changes planned. Unfortunately the change implemented last night has had to be regressed resulting in further errors being received today.

We apologise for the ongoing inconvenience these issues are causing.


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Hi. I’ve been trying to carry out searches on companies related to our insolvency firm to check that we have filed the correct documentation.

After just a couple of searches, I start getting 502 Bad Gateway errors, and this persists for many hours. This has been an issue for the past week or so, and happens with both Chrome and Edge.

I see that others have had this issue in the past and it may be related to doing too many searches. I don’t feel like I’m abusing the system - I’m trying to carry out ~20 company searches with maybe 30 seconds between each one. But perhaps this is considered an issue.

Please could you advise on how I can avoid this issues in future?

Many thanks.

We’ve been intermittently getting 500 Errors on the same API during the past 24 hours. Makes me wonder if something is wrong at CH