API 401 Errors: Problems today? Expired key?

Im suddenly receiving 401 errors on the sandbox endpoints. I have not changed my calling code or API key, are there any known issues today?

My key was created 12/03/2024, It wouldn’t have automatically expired or anything would it? Although I did try creating a new key and had the same problem.


Hey Alan,

We’ve been having the same issue. I’ve tried creating a new application and still no luck. Looks like the sandbox is down for some reason.

I’ve emailed the enquiry email on the contact us page so I’ll update here if I hear anything.

I am getting a 500 internal server, but only when calling the individual company end points, the streaming still works. is it the same issue you have?

No its only a 401 (Invalid Auth) error we are getting when we try to call the sandbox for example on:


Is your rest API working?